Roderick Pijls
I use my surf earplugs 24/7: travelling, sleeping, clubbing & for my sport kitesurfing
- 103 dB sounds great  ///  
- Control the buzz!  ///  
- Love music love your ears  ///  
- Myth: Loud music makes you really horny. Fact: Well it's true... but it can also make you deaf.  ///  
- Myth: Only beer can cause a hangover. Fact: Exposure to loud music can give you a noise-hangover.  ///  
- Myth: The girls in the front row are groupies. Fact: Standing too close to loud speakers could damage your ears.  ///  
- Myth: Long hair filters out loud music. Fact: Wearing earplugs is the only way to protect your hearing.  ///  
- Myth: Masturbation makes you deaf. Fact: Regular exposure to loud music could...   ///  
- Myth: The DJ is deaf. Fact: Most DJ's use good quality earplugs to protect their hearing.  ///  
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