Loud noises at coffee roasters

We met Michael van der Beijl from Giraffe Coffee Roasters a couple of years ago. On a sunny day he was delivering coffee @Groothandelsgebouw Rotterdam. After his round he stepped into our office to inform about earplugs. When Michael roasts coffee this produces a lot of noise, so much that his hearing can be damaged. […]

Review surfoloog: Earproof has the best earplugs

The surfoloog, a Dutch surf blog wrote an extensive review on surfers earplugs and the dangers of Surfers ear, gave our Surfer earplugs a fantastic review. Ronald the surfoloog on the custom Earproof surfer earplugs: “Man, they ar expensive, but the are fantastic. You need get an impression from you ear (canal), but that is […]


With Corona, hygiene is one of the most important things we should all keep in mind. It can make a difference whether someone gets sick yes or no. At Earproof, hygiene is always “on-top-of-mind”, before someone gets custom fitted earplugs, we have always cleaned our hands with a professional hand gel. At festivals, our entire […]

Safe surfing

Covid-19 is unfortunately still in the air, but so is spring! In the spring you want to go outside, for surf enthusiasts, the surf season starts with spring! Most surfers know that a set of earplugs to protect your ears is a must. Surf earplugs protect your ears from cold wind and water and prevent […]

Sleep well

Now that we are all at home, we try to get used to the Corona-lockdown. Sometimes it works out just fine, the sun shines & the blossom blooms. But sometimes you get annoyed by the imposed restrictions or the noise that children or other housemates make. If you can’t get a good night’s sleep, you […]

How to take care of your ears

We poetsen dagelijks onze tanden, we beschermen onze huid als we in de zon gaan, maar hoe moeten we voor onze oren zorgen? In any case do not use a Q-tip to remove the excess earwax from your ear canal.  With the use of a Q-tip, you will only push the excess earwax further into […]

Thank you

Like all, we are stunned about the current situation and we like to state that we miss you: clients, artists & fans. All of you are very important for Earproof, we love to advise and help you to protect your hearing in the best way possible. Also, we like to speak out and say THANK […]

How to choose the correct decibels for your earplugs?

Earproof offers filters with attenuation ranging from 10 to 25db. Lots of people find it difficult to choose the correct attenuation. Understandable, because what should you take into account and what are the consequences of 5db more or less? We described various common situations that fit certain attenuations. But still your personal situation is leading, your hearingcurve […]

Snoring partners, buzzing machines or traffic noises

Trouble sleeping? We all know it, not being able to sleep because of unwanted noises. Earproof offers 2 types of comfortable “full-block” sleep earplugs that ensure an undisturbed night’s sleep. Foam can start to irritate and wax earplugs can fall out more easily. Your ear is very sensitive and especially when you sleep on your […]

I love my ears, so for the love of music and the love for ears we should give on Valentine’s day

Earproof gives two sets of earplugs for one in the webshop. When I started the Earproof company I asked myself: “where would we be in music industry without our ears?” The answer is simple, nowhere. We need our ears to listen & consume sounds. Other important functionalities are directivity & balance. Without our ears we would […]

Veilig naar een muziek optreden van 103db met oordoppen

Recentelijk is de norm van 103db, die podia, concertzalen en evenementen organisatoren na goedkeuring van ministerie van Volksgezondheid hebben opgesteld, ter discussie komen te staan. Inderdaad, als je naar een concert of festival gaat is het van groot belang dat je aan gehoorbescherming doet, dat zeggen wij al 16 jaar. Door oordoppen te dragen demp […]

Welcome to the week off the ringing ears

For a person like myself who suffers a tinnitus injury every day of the week its there. But I’m happy that stichting Hoormij creates awareness on ringing ears. A tinnitus is a constant sound in your head which is very present.  It’s day in and day out trying to cope with this mostly stressful handicap. […]

A cup of coffee?…..while asking about your ears? Off Course!

In our unique office at Groothandelsgebouw right next to Rotterdam Central station you can feel free to walk in with a question about hearing protection. When it comes to ears, people often like personal advice. With great regularity we have Codarts students or teachers, DJ’s, surfers and children in our office. Sometimes with ear complaints but […]

Our mission #save10millionears in 2019

Our mission #save10millionears is vibrant and slowly within reach. We have great new insights. More and more people buy better earplugs with musicfilters, and the demand for professional quality or custum made earplugs is growing. But still a large number of partygoers really think that you should start protecting yours ears after you hear beep. […]

We’re over the moon: 5 star reviews for Earproof earplugs from Gearslutz :-)

Gearslutz, the number 1 website for professionals in the audio business, reviewed 3 different Earproof products. The Rockit, the Earproof Concert 15db and our PRO filters Platinum 15db. Each received an overall score of 5 starts (out of 5). Read more about the reviews in this blog. Gearslutz on the Earproof Rockit: “Very good for […]

5 reasons why you should protect your ears with earplugs

                          We give you 5 reasons why you should protect your ears with earplugs. Tinnitus! This will disrupt your daily life. Constant ringing in your ears that won’t go away. Trust me, you’re not waiting for that. Music sounds better and you get […]

Why would you protect your ears with high-quality earplugs?

The party is on. The volume is up. We’re all dancing and losing our minds. Standing in front of the stage, experiencing those sounds to the max. Feeling that vibration of sounds, boosting out of the speakers and flowing onto our bodies. Our ears are going nuts, enjoying the music. But those loud sounds keep […]

What are good earplugs?

Jacket, check. Gloves, check. Scarf, check! When it’s cold out, we wear warm clothes, obviously. In the mornings and before we go to bed, we brush our teeth. Day in, day out. In summertime, your skin heats up and we grab our sunscreens to protect our skin. We do this without thinking about it. What […]

About tinnitus

Peter about tinnitus at ‘Sophie in de Mentale Kreukels’ “Peter, you’re on tv!”. Now, our tv isn’t switched on a lot, so we quickly turned to NPO3. ‘Sophie in de Mentale Kreukels’ is on. For those unfamiliar with our Sophie Hilbrand, she is quite well-known for addressing all different kinds of societal taboos. And whilst […]

How to Protect Your Ears?

 We use our ears for communication, that is obvious, but we also need them to locate sounds and our balance depends on the ears as well. Ears are extremely fragile and you should protect your hearing from exposure to loud music, especially during concerts, festivals & large dance events. Why should you protect your ears? […]