Welcome to the week off the ringing ears

For a person like myself who suffers a tinnitus injury every day of the week its there. But I’m happy that stichting Hoormij creates awareness on ringing ears. A tinnitus is a constant sound in your head which is very present.  It’s day in and day out trying to cope with this mostly stressful handicap.

Some shocking figures from the “Week van het Oorsuizen” campaign are:

  • More than 1 milion Dutch people are bothered with a noise, beep, hum, whistle

  • This number is growing, especially among young people

  • This is often due to listening to loud music, going out and festivals

In this “Week van het Oorsuizen” Earproof would like to point out the importance of proper hearing protection. Earplugs that are comfortable, have the correct filter (depending on the usage). Some of our products are:

Shop your earplugs

We all experienced it once. After a good night out, concert or festival you leave and find out you have a beep in your ear. The sound has been too loud and your ear responds to this with a beep. Most of the time this beep disappears after a good night sleep. But sometimes the beep stays on. Read our 10 tinnitus tips.