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Tinnitus consultation

We all experienced it once. After a good night out, concert or festival you leave and find out you have a beep in your ear. This beep, hum or noise in your ear is called tinnitus. When the sound has been too loud your ear reacts with a beep. Most of the time this beep disappears after a good night sleep. But sometimes the beep stays on…

This ringing in your ear is called tinnitus. Tinnitus can occur in many forms: a beep, hum or noise in your ear. With Earproof we want to help you to avoid tinnitus and when you have already gotten it, give tips how you can deal to relieve your tinnitus. If you have a constant ringing in your ears you might think that there is nothing more you can do about it. That is not the case, come for a tinnitus consultation where we listen to your story to help you with our experiences & advice.

✓ Innovative products
✓ Best comfort
✓ Personal advice & service
✓ Good price / quality
✓ Wear earplugs & prevent tinnitus