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            [0] => ✓ Made of soft eco-friendly medical TPE, no plasticizers

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            [0] => ✓ Interchangeable filter, you choose damping: 10db, 15db or 20db

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            [0] => ✓ Filters also fit in our Earproof custom earplugs

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            [0] => ✓ Right size for everyone: S, M, L, XL

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            [0] => this set of earplugs reduces the noise to the MAX. specially for motor drivers, industry noise & people with severe tinnitus & hyper accusis injury.

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Why would you protect your ears with high-quality earplugs?
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Why would you protect your ears with high-quality earplugs?
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Why would you protect your ears with high-quality earplugs?
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Earproof Max (-25 dB)

The Earproof Max, the earplugs with maximum attenuation, are made to protect the hearing from loud noises or loud music. The 25db attenuation gives maximum protection in combination with a good audio experience.

Earproof Max is a good option for people like dentists, construction workers, bar and production staff.  Or for people with hearing problems like tinnitus or misophonia.

The earplugs are available in 4 sizes (S, M, L, XL). M & L fit most of the people. S is for children and people with a smaller hearing canal. XL is for people with a bigger hearing canal.

The handy Earproof container for your keychain is included.

SKU: 1000-1-2 Category:
✓ With 25db filters you protect your ears against loud music
✓ The music filter provides a flat attenuation and range across all frequencies
✓ Wear discrete & comfortable
✓ Made of soft eco-friendly medical TPE, no plasticizers
✓ Interchangeable filter, you choose damping: 10db, 15db or 20db
✓ Filters also fit in our Earproof custom earplugs
✓ Right size for everyone: S, M, L, XL
✓ You can always exchange it for a different size ear bud or filter
✓ Wear Earplugs & Prevent Tinnitus